By Josh Stubbs, Director
MDOT Aeronautics
The FY2023 Multimodal Program cycle has concluded, and I am happy to report that I have survived it. I will admit that the massive three ring binder of applications was intimidating at first. When it was all said and done, though, it was both an enjoyable and enlightening experience. Congratulations to all the grant recipients! There were 39 applications this year, which resulted in stiff competition and a lot of good projects. We were able to fund 12 applications this year.
We still have some FY2020 multimodal grants that need to be closed out. If you have one open, please submit any final reimbursement so that we can wrap those up. Any funding left over from those projects can be released back into the pool for next year!
On the revenue side, airport parking and fuel taxes were looking pretty good through the first half of the 2022 state fiscal year. The last three months have seen a decrease in both, though. Airport parking has been down since the onset of the pandemic, but fuel taxes were rebounding quite well until recently. Hopefully those trends (and sky-high fuel prices in general) reverse in the near future!